On the auspicious first day of Ramadan, renowned American activist and writer Shaun King, accompanied by his wife Rai King, publicly embraced Islam in a heartfelt ceremony broadcasted via Instagram Live. Under the guidance of US Muslim scholar Omar Suleiman, the couple recited the Shahadah, marking their official conversion to Islam.
At 44 years old, Shaun King shared that his decision to embrace Islam stemmed from witnessing the turmoil and suffering endured by the people of Gaza over the past six months. He expressed deep empathy for their resilience and unwavering faith amidst the devastation, donning a Palestinian keffiyeh during the announcement as a symbol of solidarity with the Palestinian cause.
Known for his vocal advocacy in social justice movements like Black Lives Matter, Shaun King has been an outspoken supporter of Palestine, vehemently condemning Israel’s actions in Gaza. His solidarity with the Palestinian plight has resonated globally, fostering a stronger connection with Islam.
Shaun King’s journey, marked by activism against racism and hate crimes since his youth in Kentucky, has now led him to embrace Islam. His experiences of racial discrimination and violence have propelled him towards seeking spiritual solace and justice through Islam.
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