Renowned Pakistani singer Rahat Fateh Ali Khan has publicly apologized for an incident involving the assault of an employee, as a video of the altercation went viral. In a video message released with his student Nabeel Hussain, Khan identified Hussain as the individual involved in the viral video, emphasizing that he had already apologized for his actions and was now seeking forgiveness again.
Expressing remorse, Khan stated, “Whatever happened, hear it from his [Nabeel’s] own words. After the incident, I apologized, and now I am apologizing again. He is like my son.”
Hussain, standing beside Khan, addressed the viewers, affirming, “The people who are spreading false news about our mentor, our father, are acting foolishly. He is innocent.”
Highlighting their familial relationship, Hussain added, “Our bond with Ustad [mentor] ji has been longstanding, spanning generations. There is no one like him in the world. I cannot say anything further. Efforts are being made to malign him.”
Khan also addressed allegations of his involvement in unjust actions, stating, “Whatever false news is being spread about me, that I am unjust, very cruel, look at yourselves first to see how cruel you are.“
The duo’s statements come amidst escalating tensions following the surfacing of the video depicting the assault. Khan’s apology and condemnation of false accusations aim to clarify the situation and reaffirm his commitment to rectify any wrongdoing.
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